About Me

I don’t like early mornings, I’m a tea girl, and yes, I eat my soft-boiled eggs with toast and jam. My heart turns to jello at the sight of furry creatures (except spiders!), and I’ve had a special connection with dogs since early childhood.

When I was 9 years old, I told a Best-selling Author that I would also become an author when grown up. I have been writing stories since grade 3, and I don’t intend to stop.

I have a passion for adventure and history; often wondering if I was born into the wrong time.

I remember browsing through my father’s history books when I was very young, being drawn to the same pictures – Ancient Egypt. So finally, after I had finished homeschooling all my children, I studied Egyptology at the University of Manchester.

When I don’t write or am drowning deep in research for my next novel, or hang out with the dogs, or goats, horse and chickens on my beautiful farm tucked away beneath gorgeous mountains – I just breathe.

Life couldn’t be any better.